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    >> 讨论密码学、密码协议、入侵检测、访问控制等与安全理论研究有关的主题
    [返回] 中文XML论坛 - 专业的XML技术讨论区计算机理论与工程『 安全理论 』 → 2014年第三届会议信息、环境、能源和应用程序国际会议(IEEA 2014)-3月-上海 查看新帖用户列表

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     * 贴子主题: 2014年第三届会议信息、环境、能源和应用程序国际会议(IEEA 2014)-3月-上海 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
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    发贴心情 2014年第三届会议信息、环境、能源和应用程序国际会议(IEEA 2014)-3月-上海

    2014 The 3rd International Conference on Informatics, Environment, Energy and Applications (IEEA 2014)
    2014年第三届会议信息、环境、能源和应用程序国际会议(IEEA 2014)

    Shanghai, China, March 27 - 28, 2014

    一、 征稿主题
    Energy and Environment
    Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation
    Environmental Pollution & Management
    Renewable Energy Sources
    Energy Policy, Planning & Management
    Climate Change and Global Warming
    Environmental Hydraulics
    Sustainable Development
    Remote Sensing and Environment
    Environmental Ergonomics
    Computational Techniques
    Air pollution from mobile and stationary sources
    Climate change
    Noise and acoustics
    Electromagnetic waves and telecommunication
    Hazardous waste and waste treatment
    Industrial waste treatment
    Water pollution and treatment
    Solid waste management
    Environmental management systems
    Air pollution control and equipment
    Pollution prevention in industry
    Renewable Energy
    Solar electricity and PV applications
    Solar cell technology, Solar cell materials, testing and efficiency
    Nanotechnology applications to RE
    Solar thermal applications
    Wind energy
    Hydroelectric, geothermal, tides and waves
    Biogas and biomass
    Hybrid energy systems
    Integrated energy systems
    Rural electrification
    Regional issues, economics and policy
    Advanced Energy Technologies
    Nuclear Energy: Fission and Fusion
    Nuclear Energy Application: Power Generation, Desalination
    Nuclear Materials and Fuels
    Energy From the Space, Dark Energy
    Fuels and Combustion
    Emissions from ICE and their control
    Alternative fuels
    NG as fuel for rural transportation
    Hydrogen and fuel cells
    Hybrid and electric vehicles
    Bio-diesel fuels
    Fuel additives
    Artificial Intelligence
    Automated Software Engineering
    Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing
    Biomedical Engineering Communication and Mobile Computing
    Compilers and Interpreters
    Computational Intelligence
    Computer Animation
    Computer Architecture & VLSI
    Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems
    Computer Based Education
    Computer Games
    Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality
    Computer Graphics and Multimedia Multimedia Applications
    Computer Modeling
    Computer Networks
    Computer Networks and Data Communication
    Computer Security
    Computer Simulation
    Computer Vision
    Computer-aided Design/Manufacturing
    Computing Ethics
    Computing Practices & Applications
    Data Communications
    Data Compression Technology in Education
    Data Encryption Technology Management
    Data Mining
    Database and Data Mining
    Database Systems
    Dependable, Reliable and Autonomic Computing
    Digital Library
    Digital Signal and Image Processing Wireless
    Digital System and Logic Design
    Distributed and Parallel Processing
    Distributed Systems
    E-commerce and E-governance
    Event Driven Programming
    Expert Systems
    High Performance Computing
    Human Computer Interaction
    Image Processing
    Information Retrieval
    Information Systems
    Internet and Web Applications
    Knowledge Data Engineering
    Mobile Computing
    Natural Language Processing
    Networking and Communications
    Neural Networks
    Parallel and Distributed Computing
    Pattern Recognition
    Performance Evaluation
    Programming Languages
    Reconfigurable Computing Systems
    Robotics and Automation Control Systems
    Security & Cryptography
    Security and Trust
    Software Engineering & CASE
    System Security
    Theoretical Computer Science
    Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing
    Wireless Sensor Networks

    二、 重要日期


    1、通过 在线提交系统 提交文章(pdf格式);

    联系邮箱: ieea@sciei.org  
    联系电话: +86-18207777775

    IEEA 2014 papers will be published in the Volume of International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (IPCBEE, ISSN: 2010-4618), and all papers will be included in the Engineering & Technology Digital Library, and indexed by Ei Geobase(Elsevier), EBSCO, CNKI(中国知网), WorldCat, Google Scholar, Cross ref and sent to be reviewed by Ei Compendex and ISI Proceedings.


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