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     * 贴子主题: 刚写的一段快速排序算法,尽可能的面向对象,请大家在质量属性各个方面给出批评意见。 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
     pennyliang 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?白羊座1979-4-7

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    发贴心情 刚写的一段快速排序算法,尽可能的面向对象,请大家在质量属性各个方面给出批评意见。


    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;
    class QuickSort
      int* m_array;
      int   m_first;
      int   m_last;
     public :
      QuickSort(int* unSortedArray,int low,int high);
      virtual ~QuickSort();
      bool Process();
      int Partition(int key,int low,int high);
      int ExtendLargeRegion(int key,int lowVac,int high);       
      int ExtendSmallRegion(int key,int low,int HighVac);

    QuickSort::QuickSort(int* unSortedArray,int low,int high)
     m_array = unSortedArray;
     m_first = low;
     m_last  = high;

    bool QuickSort::Process()
     if(m_array == NULL)
      return false;
      int pivot = m_array[m_first];
      int splitPoint = Partition(pivot,m_first,m_last);
      m_array[splitPoint] = pivot;
      QuickSort *quickSortLeft = new QuickSort(m_array,m_first,splitPoint-1);
      delete quickSortLeft;

      QuickSort *quickSortRight = new QuickSort(m_array,splitPoint+1,m_last);
      delete quickSortRight;

     return true;

    int QuickSort::Partition(int key,int low,int high)
     int lowVac = low;
     int highVac = -1;

      highVac = ExtendLargeRegion(key,lowVac,high);
      lowVac = ExtendSmallRegion(key,low+1,highVac);
      low = lowVac;
      high = highVac - 1;

     return low;

    int QuickSort::ExtendLargeRegion(int key,int lowVac,int high)
     int highVac,curr;
     highVac = lowVac;
     for(curr = high;curr>lowVac;curr--)
       m_array[lowVac]= m_array[curr];
       highVac = curr;

     return highVac;

    int QuickSort::ExtendSmallRegion(int key,int low,int highVac)
     int lowVac,curr;
     lowVac = highVac;
     for(curr = low;curr<highVac;curr++)
       m_array[highVac]= m_array[curr];
       lowVac = curr;

     return lowVac;

    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        int unSortedArray[] = {31,45,36,27,88,3,4,56,78,44,65,102,-5,0};

        QuickSort *Sorter = new QuickSort(&unSortedArray[0],0,13);
        delete Sorter;
        for(int i=0;i<14;i++)
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    [此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-16 10:44:26编辑过]

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    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2006/1/16 0:58:00
     pennyliang 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?白羊座1979-4-7

    给pennyliang发送一个短消息 把pennyliang加入好友 查看pennyliang的个人资料 搜索pennyliang在『 编程心得 』 的所有贴子 引用回复这个贴子 回复这个贴子 查看pennyliang的博客2
    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2006/1/16 1:00:00
     pennyliang 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?白羊座1979-4-7

    给pennyliang发送一个短消息 把pennyliang加入好友 查看pennyliang的个人资料 搜索pennyliang在『 编程心得 』 的所有贴子 引用回复这个贴子 回复这个贴子 查看pennyliang的博客3

    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;
    class QuickSort
      int* m_array;
      int   m_first;
      int   m_last;
     public :
      QuickSort(int* unSortedArray,int low,int high);
      virtual ~QuickSort();
      bool Process();
      int Partition(int key,int low,int high);
      int ExtendLargeRegion(int key,int lowVac,int high);       
      int ExtendSmallRegion(int key,int low,int HighVac);
      bool QuickSortLeftRegion(int low,int high);
      bool QuickSortRightRegion(int low,int high);
      bool QuickSortRegion(int low,int high);

    QuickSort::QuickSort(int* unSortedArray,int low,int high)
     m_array = unSortedArray;
     m_first = low;
     m_last  = high;
    bool QuickSort::Process()
     if(m_array == NULL)
      return false;
      int pivot = m_array[m_first];
      int splitPoint = Partition(pivot,m_first,m_last);
      m_array[splitPoint] = pivot;
     return true;

    int QuickSort::Partition(int key,int low,int high)
     int lowVac = low;
     int highVac = -1;

      highVac = ExtendLargeRegion(key,lowVac,high);
      lowVac = ExtendSmallRegion(key,low+1,highVac);
      low = lowVac;
      high = highVac - 1;

     return low;

    int QuickSort::ExtendLargeRegion(int key,int lowVac,int high)
     int highVac,curr;
     highVac = lowVac;
     for(curr = high;curr>lowVac;curr--)
       m_array[lowVac]= m_array[curr];
       highVac = curr;

     return highVac;

    int QuickSort::ExtendSmallRegion(int key,int low,int highVac)
     int lowVac,curr;
     lowVac = highVac;
     for(curr = low;curr<highVac;curr++)
       m_array[highVac]= m_array[curr];
       lowVac = curr;

     return lowVac;

    bool QuickSort::QuickSortRegion(int low,int high)
         QuickSort* sorter = new QuickSort(m_array,low,high);
         delete sorter;
         return true;

    bool QuickSort::QuickSortLeftRegion(int low,int high)
         return QuickSortRegion(low,high);

    bool QuickSort::QuickSortRightRegion(int low,int high)
         return QuickSortRegion(low,high);

    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        int unSortedArray[] = {31,45,36,27,88,3,4,56,78,44,65,102,-5,0};

        QuickSort *Sorter = new QuickSort(&unSortedArray[0],0,13);
        delete Sorter;
        for(int i=0;i<14;i++)
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    [此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-16 13:16:42编辑过]
    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2006/1/16 12:45:00
     pennyliang 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?白羊座1979-4-7

    给pennyliang发送一个短消息 把pennyliang加入好友 查看pennyliang的个人资料 搜索pennyliang在『 编程心得 』 的所有贴子 引用回复这个贴子 回复这个贴子 查看pennyliang的博客4
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    class QuickSort

        int* m_array;
        int m_first;
        int m_last;

    public :
        QuickSort(int* unSortedArray, int low, int high);
        virtual ~QuickSort();
        bool Process();

        int Partition(int key, int low, int high);
        int ExtendLargeRegion(int key, int lowVac, int high);
        int ExtendSmallRegion(int key, int low, int HighVac);
        bool QuickSortLeftRegion(int low, int high);
        bool QuickSortRightRegion(int low, int high);
        bool QuickSortRegion(int low, int high);

    QuickSort::QuickSort(int* unSortedArray, int low, int high)
        m_array = unSortedArray;
        m_first = low;
        m_last = high;


    bool QuickSort::Process()
        if (m_array == NULL)
            return false;

        if (m_first < m_last)
            int pivot = m_array[m_first];
            int splitPoint = Partition(pivot, m_first, m_last);
            m_array[splitPoint] = pivot;
            QuickSortLeftRegion(m_first, splitPoint - 1);
            QuickSortRightRegion(splitPoint + 1, m_last);

        return true;

    int QuickSort::Partition(int key, int low, int high)
        int lowVac = low;
        int highVac = -1;

        while (low < high)
            highVac = ExtendLargeRegion(key, lowVac, high);
            lowVac = ExtendSmallRegion(key, low + 1, highVac);
            low = lowVac;
            high = highVac - 1;

        return low;

    int QuickSort::ExtendLargeRegion(int key, int lowVac, int high)
        int highVac, curr;
        highVac = lowVac;

        for (curr = high;curr > lowVac;curr--)
            if (m_array[curr] < key)
                m_array[lowVac] = m_array[curr];
                highVac = curr;

        return highVac;

    int QuickSort::ExtendSmallRegion(int key, int low, int highVac)
        int lowVac, curr;
        lowVac = highVac;

        for (curr = low;curr < highVac;curr++)
            if (m_array[curr] >= key)
                m_array[highVac] = m_array[curr];
                lowVac = curr;

        return lowVac;

    bool QuickSort::QuickSortRegion(int low, int high)
        QuickSort sorter(m_array, low, high);
        return true;

    bool QuickSort::QuickSortLeftRegion(int low, int high)
        return QuickSortRegion(low, high);

    bool QuickSort::QuickSortRightRegion(int low, int high)
        return QuickSortRegion(low, high);

    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        int unSortedArray[] = {31, 45, 36, 27, 88, 3, 4, 56, 78, 44, 65, 102, -5, 0};
        QuickSort Sorter(&unSortedArray[0], 0, 13);
        for (int i = 0;i < 14;i++)
            cout << unSortedArray[i] << endl;
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2006/1/16 18:19:00
     pennyliang 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?白羊座1979-4-7

    给pennyliang发送一个短消息 把pennyliang加入好友 查看pennyliang的个人资料 搜索pennyliang在『 编程心得 』 的所有贴子 引用回复这个贴子 回复这个贴子 查看pennyliang的博客5

    #include "stdafx.h"

    int list[] =
     12, 4, 6, 65, 7, 18, 23, 2, 45, 66, 8, 10, 16, 44, 22, 24,
     17, 23, 34, 45, 67, 23, 12, 54, 22, 16, 47, 89, 36, 66

    void exchange(int&a, int&b)
        int temp;
        temp = a;
        a = b;
        b = temp;

    int partition(int list[], int l, int h, int pivotal)
        int temp, pivotval;

        exchange(list[pivotal], list[l]);

        int pivotpos = l;

        pivotval = list[pivotpos];

        for (int i = l + 1;i <= h;i++)

            if (list[i] < pivotval && ++pivotpos != i)
                exchange(list[i], list[pivotpos]);

        exchange(list[l], list[pivotpos]);
        return pivotpos;


    int quicksort(int list[], int l, int h)
        int pivotal;

        if (h > l)

            pivotal = (l + h) / 2;

            int pivotpos = partition(list, l, h, pivotal);

            quicksort(list, l, pivotpos - 1);
            quicksort(list, pivotpos + 1, h);

        return 0;

    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        quicksort(list, 0, sizeof(list) / sizeof(int) - 1);
        return 0;

    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2006/1/16 18:25:00
     reallyh 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

    给reallyh发送一个短消息 把reallyh加入好友 查看reallyh的个人资料 搜索reallyh在『 编程心得 』 的所有贴子 引用回复这个贴子 回复这个贴子 查看reallyh的博客6
    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2006/2/12 18:45:00
     pennyliang 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?白羊座1979-4-7

    给pennyliang发送一个短消息 把pennyliang加入好友 查看pennyliang的个人资料 搜索pennyliang在『 编程心得 』 的所有贴子 引用回复这个贴子 回复这个贴子 查看pennyliang的博客7
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using NUnit.Framework;

    namespace Algorithm.Sort
     class QuickSort:ISort
     #region Member List
     ArrayList m_array;
        int m_first;
        int m_last;

     #region Ctor
     public QuickSort(ArrayList unSortedArray, int low, int high)
      #region precondition
      if(null == unSortedArray)
       throw new Exception(string.Format("ArrayList cannot be sorted,{0},{1}",low,high));
      m_array = unSortedArray;
      m_first = low;
      m_last = high;

     #region ISort 成员

     public bool Sort()
      if (m_first < m_last)
       IComparable pivot = (IComparable)m_array[m_first];
       int splitPoint = Partition(pivot, m_first, m_last);
       m_array[splitPoint] = pivot;
       QuickSortLeftRegion(m_first, splitPoint - 1);
       QuickSortRightRegion(splitPoint + 1, m_last);
      return true;


     #region Private Fun
     private int Partition(IComparable key, int low, int high)
      int lowVac = low;
      int highVac = -1;

      while (low < high)
       highVac = ExtendLargeRegion(key, lowVac, high);
       lowVac = ExtendSmallRegion(key, low + 1, highVac);
       low = lowVac;
       high = highVac - 1;

      return low;
     private int ExtendLargeRegion(IComparable key, int lowVac, int high)
      int highVac, curr;
      highVac = lowVac;

      for (curr = high;curr > lowVac;curr--)
       if (key.CompareTo(m_array[curr])>0)
        m_array[lowVac] = m_array[curr];
        highVac = curr;

      return highVac;
     private int ExtendSmallRegion(IComparable key, int low, int highVac)
      int lowVac, curr;
      lowVac = highVac;

      for (curr = low;curr < highVac;curr++)
       int comparedValue = key.CompareTo(m_array[curr]);
       if (comparedValue<0||comparedValue==0)
        m_array[highVac] = m_array[curr];
        lowVac = curr;
      return lowVac;
     private bool QuickSortLeftRegion(int low, int high)
       return QuickSortRegion(low, high);
     private bool QuickSortRightRegion(int low, int high)
       return QuickSortRegion(low, high);
     private bool QuickSortRegion(int low, int high)
      QuickSort m_instance = new QuickSort(m_array,low,high);
      return m_instance.Sort();
     public class TestObjcet:IComparable
      int m_value;
      public int Value
       get{return m_value;}
      public TestObjcet(int value)
       m_value = value;
      public static implicit operator int(TestObjcet m)
       return m.Value;

      #region IComparable 成员

      public int CompareTo(object obj)
       TestObjcet testObj = obj as TestObjcet;
         return -1;
        else if(testObj.Value == this.Value)
         return 0;
         return 1;
        throw new Exception(string.Format("object type is not testCase"));

     public class TestQuickSort
      public void test()
       ArrayList people1 = new ArrayList();
       people1.Add(new TestObjcet(1));
       people1.Add(new TestObjcet(2));
       people1.Add(new TestObjcet(4));
       people1.Add(new TestObjcet(3));

       ArrayList people2 = new ArrayList();
       QuickSort sorter1 = new QuickSort(people1,0,people1.Count-1);
       QuickSort sorter2 = new QuickSort(people2,0,people2.Count-1);
       Queue queue = new Queue(20);

       foreach (TestObjcet p in people1)
       foreach (char p in people2)
      private void testSorter(Queue queue)
       ISort sorter = (queue.Dequeue())as ISort;
      public static void Main()
       (new TestQuickSort()).test();

    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2006/3/13 15:46:00
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