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    >> It is the theory that decides what can be observed. - Albert Einstein
    [返回] 中文XML论坛 - 专业的XML技术讨论区计算机理论与工程『 理论计算机科学 』 → 2021年信息技术应用研讨会(ITAS 2021)[原创] 查看新帖用户列表

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     * 贴子主题: 2021年信息技术应用研讨会(ITAS 2021)[原创] 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
       本主题类别: Semantic Web    
     aca_会议 美女呀,离线,快来找我吧!
      等级:研一(参加ISWC会议碰到了Ian Horrocks!!)

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    发贴心情 2021年信息技术应用研讨会(ITAS 2021)[原创]

    【ITAS 2021 | Ei Compendex&Scopus】
    2021年信息技术应用研讨会(ITAS 2021)--EI核心和Scopus检索
    2021年8月21日至23日 | 中国,西安


    ITAS 2021所有录用并注册的全文将出版会议论文集,并提交Ei核心和Scopus等检索。

    地址:西安, 碑林区, 西安市环城南路西段12号

    * Advances in information systems modelling and design methodologies
    * Enterprise, business and technological process modelling
    * Data warehouse and multidimensional modelling, analysis and mining
    * Methodologies for continuous information systems adaptation and software evolution
    * Architecture patterns and models for design of large-scale information systems
    * Information systems architecture
    * Information systems development tools
    * Component-based information technologies
    * Semantic Web technologies in intelligent information systems design
    * Agent-based information technologies
    * Information systems integration and tools for supporting information integration
    * Practical experience with integration approaches
    * Information systems and telecommunication technologies
    * Modern database technologies and their applications
    * Process modelling for enterprises
    * Concepts, techniques and applications of electronic and mobile business
    * Customer relationship management, knowledge management and helpdesks: organization, automation, systems, experiences
    * Security issues in information systems
    * Web oriented business and technological process control and reengineering
    * ERP/MRP systems concepts and technologies
    * Information technologies for managing, modelling and simulating social, economical, environmental, and technical objects and processes
    * Information retrieval and natural language processing
    * Intelligent data processing and knowledge-based information technologies
    * E-Learning and Web-enterprise training
    * Management of information systems projects
    * Mobile computing and information systems
    * Pervasive computing and information systems
    * Open Source software vs. enterprise information systems
    * Visual information processing and information visualisation
    * Other topics related to the application of information systems technology

    +86 139 8006 2041

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