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----  ISWC 2006 论文集下载(含Poster, Demo, 博士生论坛, 以及 Semantic Web Challenge 大赛)  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&rootid=&id=89003)

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:1/3/2011 10:22:00 PM

--  ISWC 2006 论文集下载(含Poster, Demo, 博士生论坛, 以及 Semantic Web Challenge 大赛)

ISWC 2006 Conference Proceedings (Workshop见二楼,Poster, Demo, 博士生论坛 和 Semantic Web Challenge 2006 见三楼)

A Constraint-Based Approach to Horizontal Web Service Composition (392 KB)
A Formal Model for Semantic Web Service Composition (524 KB)
A Framework for Ontology Evolution in Collaborative Environments (1,036 KB)
A Framework for Schema-Driven Relationship Discovery from Unstructured Text (1,469 KB)
A Method for Learning Part-Whole Relations (245 KB)
A Mixed Initiative Semantic Web Framework for Process Composition (393 KB)
A Model Driven Approach for Building OWL DL and OWL Full Ontologies (687 KB)
A Relaxed Approach to RDF Querying (454 KB)
A Semantic Context-Aware Access Control Framework for Secure Collaborations in Pervasive Computing Environments (308 KB)
A Semantic Web Services GIS Based Emergency Management Application (581 KB)
A Software Engineering Approach to Design and Development of Semantic Web Service Applications (945 KB)
A Survey of the Web Ontology Landscape (356 KB)
Active Semantic Electronic Medical Record (539 KB)
Augmenting Navigation for Collaborative Tagging with Emergent Semantics (4,826 KB)
Automatic Annotation of Web Services Based on Workflow Definitions (431 KB)
Block Matching for Ontologies (342 KB)
Can OWL and Logic Programming Live Together Happily Ever After (390 KB)
Changing Ontology Breaks Queries (485 KB)
Characterizing the Semantic Web on the Web (683 KB)
Construction and Use of Role-Ontology for Task-Based Service Navigation System (930 KB)
CropCircles - Topology Sensitive Visualization of OWL Class Hierarchies (574 KB)
Distributed Policy Management in Semantic Web (98 KB)
Dynamic Contextual Regulations in Open Multi-agent Systems (89 KB)
EKOSS - A Knowledge-User Centered Approach to Knowledge Sharing, Discovery, and Integration on the Semantic Web (622 KB)
Enabling an Online Community for Sharing Oral Medicine Cases Using Semantic Web Technologies (1,269 KB)
Enabling Semantic Web Communities with DBin - An Overview (280 KB)
Evaluating Conjunctive Triple Pattern Queries over Large Structured Overlay Networks (804 KB)
Evaluation of SPARQL Queries Using Relational Databases (152 KB)
Explaining Conclusions from Diverse Knowledge Sources (308 KB)
Extending Faceted Navigation for RDF Data (661 KB)
Extracting Relations in Social Networks from the Web Using Similarity Between Collective Contexts (407 KB)
Foafing the Music - Bridging the Semantic Gap in Music Recommendation (222 KB)
Formal Model for Ontology Mapping Creation (435 KB)
Framework for an Automated Comparison of Description Logic Reasoners (385 KB)
Fresnel - A Browser-Independent Presentation Vocabulary for RDF (3,735 KB)
From Typed-Functional Semantic Web Services to Proofs (229 KB)
GINO - A Guided Input Natural Language Ontology Editor (468 KB)
Heterogeneous Semantic Web Repositories (642 KB)
Information Integration Via an End-to-End Distributed Semantic Web System (880 KB)
Innovation Detection Based on User-Interest Ontology of Blog Community (944 KB)
Integrating and Querying Parallel Leaf Shape Descriptions (462 KB)
IRS-III - A Broker for Semantic Web Services Based Applications (595 KB)
Mining Information for Instance Unification (338 KB)
Modeling Social Attitudes on the Web (417 KB)
MultiCrawler - A Pipelined Architecture for Crawling and Indexing Semantic Web Data (320 KB)
MultimediaN E-Culture Demonstrator (664 KB)
NEWS - Bringing Semantic Web Technologies into News Agencies (285 KB)
On How to Perform a Gold Standard Based Evaluation of Ontology Learning (436 KB)
On the Semantics of Linking and Importing in Modular Ontologies (1,313 KB)
ONTOCOM A Cost Estimation Model for Ontology Engineering (792 KB)
Ontogator -- A Semantic View-Based Search Engine Service for Web Applications (337 KB)
Ontology Query Answering on Databases (378 KB)
Ontology-Driven Automatic Entity Disambiguation in Unstructured Text (789 KB)
Ontology-Driven Information Extraction with OntoSyphon (425 KB)
OntoWiki - A Tool for Social, Semantic Collaboration (1,419 KB)
Package-Based Description Logics - Preliminary Results (192 KB)
PowerMap - Mapping the Real Semantic Web on the Fly (465 KB)
Provenance Explorer - Customized Provenance Views Using Semantic Inferencing (1,297 KB)
Querying the Semantic Web with Preferences (762 KB)
Ranking Ontologies with AKTiveRank (457 KB)
Reaching Agreement over Ontology Alignments (438 KB)
Reducing the Inferred Type Statements with Individual Grouping Constructs (405 KB)
RS2D - Fast Adaptive Search for Semantic Web Services in Unstructured P2P Networks (370 KB)
SADIe - Semantic Annotation for Accessibility (1,183 KB)
Schema Mappings for the Web (82 KB)
Semantic Desktop 2.0 - The Gnowsis Experience (420 KB)
Semantic MediaWiki (176 KB)
Semantic Metadata Generation for Large Scientific Workflows (451 KB)
Semantically-Enabled Large-Scale Science Data Repositories (3,675 KB)
Semantics and Complexity of SPARQL (391 KB)
Talking to the Semantic Web - Query Interfaces to Ontologies for the Casual User (110 KB)
The Semantic Web - Suppliers and Customers (85 KB)
The Semantic Web and Networked Governance - Promise and Challenges (86 KB)
The Summary Abox - Cutting Ontologies Down to Size (519 KB)
Three Semantics for Distributed Systems and Their Relations with Alignment Composition (421 KB)
Toward Making Online Biological Data Machine Understandable (135 KB)
Towards a Global Scale Semantic Web (70 KB)
Towards a Semantic Web of Relational Databases - A Practical Semantic Toolkit and an In-Use Case from Traditional Chinese Medicine (23,018 KB)
Towards a Usable Group Editor for Ontologies (72 KB)
Towards Knowledge Acquisition from Information Extraction (191 KB)
Towards Semantic Interoperability in a Clinical Trials Management System (285 KB)
Tree-Structured Conditional Random Fields for Semantic Annotation (213 KB)
Triple Space Computing for Semantic Web Services - A PhD Roadmap (77 KB)
Using Ontologies for Extracting Product Features from Web Pages (1,809 KB)
Web Service Composition Via Generic Procedures and Customizing User Preferences (375 KB)
Where the Social Web Meets the Semantic Web (83 KB)

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:1/3/2011 10:35:00 PM

ISWC 2006 Workshops

(2nd International Semantic Web Policy Workshop) Aligning WSMO and WS-Policy (97 KB)
(2nd International Semantic Web Policy Workshop) An Access Control Model for Protecting Semantic Web Resources (403 KB)
(2nd International Semantic Web Policy Workshop) Context-aware Trustworthiness Evaluation with Indirect Knowledge (379 KB)
(2nd International Semantic Web Policy Workshop) Non-Boolean Authentication (106 KB)
(2nd International Semantic Web Policy Workshop) Policy Specification and Enforcement For Spectrum-Agile Radios (4 KB)
(2nd International Semantic Web Policy Workshop) Semantic Digital Rights Management for Controlled P2P RDF Metadata Diffusion (63 KB)
(2nd International Semantic Web Policy Workshop) Semantics in Model-Driven Business Design (92 KB)
(2nd International Semantic Web Policy Workshop) The Virtuous Circle of Expressing Authorization Policies (140 KB)
(2nd International Semantic Web Policy Workshop) Trust Policies for Semantic Web Repositories (136 KB)
(2nd International Semantic Web Policy Workshop) Verification, Validation, Integrity of Rule Based Policies and Contracts in the Semantic Web (209 KB)
(2nd International Semantic Web Policy Workshop) WS-Policy and Beyond - Application of OWL Defaults to Web Service Policies (45 KB)
(Applications and Business Aspects of the Semantic Web) Building Ontology in Public Administration - A Case Study (533 KB)
(Applications and Business Aspects of the Semantic Web) Enhancing Data and Processes Integration and Interoperability in Emergency Situations (413 KB)
(Applications and Business Aspects of the Semantic Web) Improving the recruitment process through ontology-based querying (1,586 KB)
(Applications and Business Aspects of the Semantic Web) OntoCAT-An Ontology Consumer Analysis Tool and Its Use on Product Services Categorization Standards (596 KB)
(Applications and Business Aspects of the Semantic Web) Personalized Question Answering - A Use Case for Business Analysis (315 KB)
Development of Modular Ontologies in Casl (160 KB)
Divide and Conquer Semantic Web with Modular Ontologies - A Brief Review of Modular Ontology Language Proposals (264 KB)
Implementing Modular Ontologies with Distributed Description Logics (162 KB)
Mapping properties of heterogeneous ontologies (143 KB)
Modularization - a Key for the Dynamic Selection of Relevant Knowledge Components (176 KB)
Requirements for Logical Modules (162 KB)
Semantic Import - An Approach for Partial Ontology Reuse () (226 KB)
Towards Structural Criteria for Ontology Modularization (156 KB)
15-OWL-CtxMatch-OAEI'06 (125 KB)
AUTOMS - Automated Ontology Mapping through Synthesis of methods (105 KB)
COMA++ - Results for the Ontology Alignment Contest OAEI 2006 (78 KB)
DSSim-ontology mapping with uncertainty (190 KB)
First Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2006 (90 KB)
ISLab HMatch Results for OAEI 2006 (129 KB)
JHU-APL Onto-Mapology Results for OAEI 2006 (54 KB)
NLM Anatomical Ontology Alignment System Results of the 2006 Ontology Alignment Contest (83 KB)
PRIOR System - Results for OAEI 2006 (90 KB)
Result of Ontology Alignment with RiMOM at OAEI'06 (168 KB)
The Results of Falcon-AO in the OAEI 2006 Campaign (117 KB)
A Framework for Combining Ontology and Schema Matchers with Dempster-Shafer (88 KB)
A Peer-to-Peer Based Semantic Agreement Approach for Information Systems Interoperability (244 KB)
Aligning Multiple Anatomical Ontologies through a Reference (44 KB)
An Ontology Mapping Algorithm between Heterogeneous Product Classification Taxonomies (71 KB)
Combining Ontology Mapping Methods Using Bayesian Networks (133 KB)
Discovering and Merging Keyword Senses using Ontology Matching (107 KB)
FORPM - Boosting Users' Effect on Ontology Matching (91 KB)
OntoMas - a Tutoring System dedicated to Ontology Matching (140 KB)
Recognizing Emergent Nodes in Aligning Multiple Document Taxonomies (153 KB)
SOMET - Shared Ontology Matching Environment (93 KB)
When usual structural alignment techniques don't apply (105 KB)
Applying an Analytic Method for Matching Approach Selection (874 KB)
Arguing over ontology alignments (665 KB)
Exploiting the structure of background knowledge used in ontology matching (295 KB)
Improving Automatically Created Mappings using Logical Reasoning (95 KB)
Towards understanding the needs of cognitive support for ontology mapping (835 KB)
Using the Semantic Web as Background Knowledge for Ontology Mapping (229 KB)
(Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems) A Scalable Approach for Partitioning OWL Knowledge Bases (322 KB)
(Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems) Adding Constraints to OWL (212 KB)
(Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems) Jena Property Table Implementation (249 KB)
(Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems) Load-balancing in P2P based RDF stores (310 KB)
(Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems) ReConRank - A Scalable Ranking Method for Semantic Web Data with Context (365 KB)
(Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems) Semiometrics - Applying Ontologies across Large-Scale Digital Libraries (329 KB)
(Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems) Towards Populating and Querying the Semantic Web (338 KB)
(Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems) Towards Scalable Retrieval of Distributed and Dynamic Ontology Instances (307 KB)
(Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems) Towards the improvement of the Semantic Web technology (381 KB)
(Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems) Using Abstract Evaluation in ABox Reasoning (385 KB)
(Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems) What's Wrong with OWL Benchmarks (296 KB)
(Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop) (FullPaper) A Browser-based Tool for Collaborative Distributed Annotation for the Semantic Web (588 KB)
(Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop) (FullPaper) A Semi-Automatic Semantic Annotation and Authoring Tool for a Library Help Desk Service (751 KB)
(Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop) (FullPaper) Cross-media document annotation and enrichment (357 KB)
(Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop) (FullPaper) SALT - Semantically Annotated L EX T (552 KB)
(Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop) (FullPaper) Semantic Authoring By Tagging with Annotea Social Bookmarks and Topics (458 KB)
(Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop) (FullPaper) Specifying the Collaborative Tagging System (296 KB)
(Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop) (FullPaper) The Dynamics and Semantics of Collaborative Tagging (181 KB)
(Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop) (FullPaper) Translating Documents into Semantic Documents using Semantic Web and Web2.0 (373 KB)
(Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop) (FullPaper) Using WEESA to Semantically Annotate Cocoon Web Applications (292 KB)
(Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop) (Poster) A Semantic Annotation Tool to Extract Instances from Korean Web Documents (182 KB)
(Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop) (Poster) Applying the Semantic Web as a Writer's Tool (121 KB)
(Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop) (Poster) Social tagging using marked strings in Web pages (259 KB)
(Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop) (Poster) The BAsAS Architecture For Semantic Web Annotations (218 KB)
(Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop) (ShortPaper) Avoiding Deceptive Annotations in the Semantic Web (130 KB)
(Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop) (ShortPaper) Further Use of Controlled Natural Language for Semantic Annotation of Wikis (179 KB)
(Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop) (ShortPaper) Integrating Social Tagging and Document Annotation for Content-Based Search in Multimedia Data (304 KB)
(Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop) (ShortPaper) SASA- a Semi-Automatic Semantic Annotator for Personal Knowledge Management (122 KB)
(Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop) (ShortPaper) Tags and Dependencies - an Integrated View of Document Annotation (89 KB)
(Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop) (ShortPaper) Towards Trust for Semantic Web Annotations (129 KB)
(Semantic Desktop and Social Semantic Collaboration Workshop) A Case Study in Engineering a Knowledge Base for an Intelligent Personal Assistant (82 KB)
(Semantic Desktop and Social Semantic Collaboration Workshop) An Overview of Information Management and Knowledge Work Studies - Lessons for the Semantic Desktop (110 KB)
(Semantic Desktop and Social Semantic Collaboration Workshop) Application Design and Interoperability for Managing Personal Information in the Semantic Desktop (339 KB)
(Semantic Desktop and Social Semantic Collaboration Workshop) Method of Retrieving a Web Browsing Experience Using Semantic Periods (1,199 KB)
(Semantic Desktop and Social Semantic Collaboration Workshop) Open Constitution Based Knowledge Communities in the Semantic Web (136 KB)
(Semantic Desktop and Social Semantic Collaboration Workshop) PIMO Population and Semantic Annotation for the Gnowsis Semantic Desktop (298 KB)
(Semantic Desktop and Social Semantic Collaboration Workshop) Promiscuous Semantic Federation - Semantic Desktops meet Web 2.0 (271 KB)
(Semantic Desktop and Social Semantic Collaboration Workshop) Semantic Clipboard Semantically Enriched Data Exchange Between Desktop Applications (1,142 KB)
(Semantic Desktop and Social Semantic Collaboration Workshop) SemDAV - A File Exchange Protocol for the Semantic Desktop (93 KB)
(Semantic Desktop and Social Semantic Collaboration Workshop) Spontaneous Collaboration via Browsing of Semantic Data on Mobile Devices (2,978 KB)
(Semantic Desktop and Social Semantic Collaboration Workshop) Supporting Mobile Service Interaction through Semantic Service Description Annotation and Automatic Interface Generat (480 KB)
(Semantic Desktop and Social Semantic Collaboration Workshop) The Beagle++ Toolbox - Towards an Extendable Desktop Search Architecture (702 KB)
(Semantic Desktop and Social Semantic Collaboration Workshop) The Measurable Belief of Trust in Social Networks (123 KB)
(Semantic Sensor Networks) A Marine Platforms Ontology - Experiences and Lessons (382 KB)
(Semantic Sensor Networks) A New Architecture for the Sensor Web - The SWAP Framework (273 KB)
(Semantic Sensor Networks) ES3N - A Semantic Approach to Data Management in Sensor Networks (149 KB)
(Semantic Sensor Networks) Research Topics in Semantic Sensor Networks (49 KB)
(Semantic Sensor Networks) Semantic Connection between Everyday Objects and a Sensor Network (1,203 KB)
(Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering) A methodology for semantic qualification of schemas (33 KB)
(Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering) A MOF-based Metamodel and UML Syntax for Networked Ontologies (202 KB)
(Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering) A Semantic Web Tool for Knowledge-based Software Engineering (174 KB)
(Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering) An Approach to Automatically Generated Model Transformations Using Ontology Engineering Space (674 KB)
(Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering) An OWL Ontology for Representing the CMMI-SW Model (230 KB)
(Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering) Applications of Ontologies in Software Engineering (70 KB)
(Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering) Augmented Software Cognition (37 KB)
(Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering) Designing a Document Retrieval Service with OntoSOA (143 KB)
(Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering) Emergent Architectural Component Characterization using Semantic Web Technologies (245 KB)
(Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering) Flexible Specification of Semantic Services using Web Engineering Methods and Tools (305 KB)
(Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering) Learning Ontologies from Software Artifacts - Exploring and Combining Multiple Sources (169 KB)
(Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering) MetaModeling in OOP, MOF, RDFS and OWL (285 KB)
(Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering) On Self-Validating Rule Bases (231 KB)
(Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering) OntoWebML - A Knowledge Base Management System for WSML Ontologies (238 KB)
(Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering) Representation of Changes in Ontology Driven Object Oriented Software using Categories (36 KB)
(Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering) Rule-Based Modeling of Semantic Web Services (129 KB)
(Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering) Semantic Models for XML Schema with UML Tooling (428 KB)
(Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering) The Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM) and Motivation for a Semantic Meta-Object Facility (SMOF) (22 KB)
(Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering) Towards a Semantic Event-Based Service-Oriented Architecture (77 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (papers) Common Sense Design - Aided Visualisation of the Semantic Web (542 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (papers) Context-based Search in Topic-centered Digital Repositories (152 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (papers) Designing Annotation Mechanisms with Users in Mind (Appendix) (144 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (papers) Designing Annotation Mechanisms with Users in Mind (450 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (papers) Disseminating Usability Design Knowledge through Ontology-Based Pattern Languages (241 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (papers) Explanation Interfaces for the Semantic Web - Issues and Models (1,347 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (papers) Informed Consent on the Semantic Web Issues for Interaction and Interface Designers (88 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (papers) Interactive Visualization of Large OWL Instance Sets (189 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (papers) mSpace - What do Numbers and Totals Mean in a Flexible Semantic Browser (398 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (papers) Pathetic Fallacy.html (252 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (papers) Personalized Access to Web Services in the Semantic Web (414 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (papers) Tabulator - Exploring and Analyzing linked data on the Semantic Web (344 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (papers) User Interaction and Uptake Challenges to Successfully Deploying Semantic Web Technologies (79 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (posters) ACUITy - Adaptive Work-Centered User Interface Technology (539 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (posters) Adaptive Work-Centered User Interface Technology (ACUITy) (655 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (posters) Exploiting Usage Data for the Visualization of Rule Bases (528 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (posters) iMapping - a graphical approach to semi-structured knowledge modelling (graph) (1,063 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (posters) iMapping - a Graphical Approach to Semi-Structured Knowledge Modelling (901 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (posters) Leveraging Work-Centered Semantics in Human-Computer Applications (47 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (posters) Preliminary Inventory of Users and Tasks for the Semantic Web (25 KB)
(Semantic Web User Interaction) (posters) Semantic Web Enabled User Interaction for Cognitive Prostheses (273 KB)
(Terra Cognita - Geospatial Semantic Web) Conceptual Search - Incorporating Geospatial Data into Semantic Queries (167 KB)
(Terra Cognita - Geospatial Semantic Web) Data Processing in Space, Time and Semantics Dimensions (723 KB)
(Terra Cognita - Geospatial Semantic Web) Fire Alerts on the Geospatial Semantic Web (193 KB)
(Terra Cognita - Geospatial Semantic Web) Ontology-based Geographic Information Retrieval and Ranking (76 KB)
(Terra Cognita - Geospatial Semantic Web) Representing the Dimensions of an Ecological Niche (146 KB)
(Terra Cognita - Geospatial Semantic Web) Similarity-Based Retrieval for Geospatial Semantic Web Services Specified using the Web Service Modeling Language (WSML-Core) (270 KB)
(Terra Cognita - Geospatial Semantic Web) So what's so special about spatial (108 KB)
(Terra Cognita - Geospatial Semantic Web) Spatial Integration of Semantic Web Services - the e-Merges Approach (303 KB)
(Terra Cognita - Geospatial Semantic Web) SWING - A Semantic Web Services Framework for the Geospatial Domain (110 KB)
(Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web) A Crisp Representation for Fuzzy SHOIN with Fuzzy Nominals and General Concept Inclusions (168 KB)
(Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web) A Proposal for a W3C XG on Uncertainty Reasoning for the World Wide Web (95 KB)
(Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web) An Approach to Probabilistic Data Integration for the Semantic Web (30 KB)
(Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web) Analogical Reasoning in Description Logics (94 KB)
(Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web) EL description logic modeling querying web and learning imperfect user preferences (60 KB)
(Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web) Implementing Uncertainty in a Logic Programming Framework (421 KB)
(Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web) Preferences, Links, and Probabilities for Ranking Objects in Ontologies (24 KB)
(Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web) Probabilistic Ontologies for Efficient Resource Sharing in Semantic Web Services (319 KB)
(Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web) Reflections on Modelling Vagueness in Description Logics (66 KB)
(Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web) Social Contexts and the Probabilistic Fusion and Ranking of Opinions - Towards a Social Semantics for the Semantic Web (173 KB)
(Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web) URSW06 T1 BesanaRobertson (152 KB)
(Web Content Mining with Human Language Technologies) Acquiring Ontological Relationships from Wikipedia Using RMRS (99 KB)
(Web Content Mining with Human Language Technologies) Concept-Instance Relation Extraction from Simple Noun Sequences Using a Full-Text Search Engine (98 KB)
(Web Content Mining with Human Language Technologies) Constructing Dictionaries for Named Entity Recognition on Specific Domains from the Web (144 KB)
(Web Content Mining with Human Language Technologies) Coreference resolution on RDF Graphs generated from Information Extraction - first results (80 KB)
(Web Content Mining with Human Language Technologies) Extracting a Social Network among Entities by Web mining (282 KB)
(Web Content Mining with Human Language Technologies) Extracting Common Sense Knowledge from Wikipedia (140 KB)
(Web Content Mining with Human Language Technologies) FactBox - A Framework for Instantiating Ontological Relations from Text (112 KB)
(Web Content Mining with Human Language Technologies) Focused Data Mining for decision support in Emergency Response Scenarios (1,074 KB)
(Web Content Mining with Human Language Technologies) Instance Classification using Co-Occurrences on the Web (153 KB)
(Web Content Mining with Human Language Technologies) Mining and Assessing Discussions on the Web through Speech Act Analysis (187 KB)
(Web Content Mining with Human Language Technologies) Mobile Service for Reputation Extraction from Weblogs - Preliminary Experiment and Evaluation (334 KB)
(Web Content Mining with Human Language Technologies) Taxonomy Based Data Extraction from Multi-item Web Pages (264 KB)
(Web Content Mining with Human Language Technologies) Web-based Ontology Learning with ISOLDE (142 KB)

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:1/3/2011 10:43:00 PM

ISWC 2006 Poster & Demo

A Networked Semantic Environment (102 KB)
AKTiveMedia - Cross-media Document Annotation and Enrichment (160 KB)
Analyzing Theme, Space and Time - An Ontology-based Approach1 (102 KB)
ASPL - Semantic Web platform supporting Learning (332 KB)
BaseVISor - A Forward-Chaining Inference Engine Optimized for RDF-OWL Triples (38 KB)
Building Consensus on Ontology Mapping (127 KB)
ContextWatcher - Connecting to Places, People and the World (1,928 KB)
Current State of Semantic Annotations for WSDL (51 KB)
D2R Server - Publishing Relational Databases on the Semantic Web (24 KB)
DartMapping - A visualized Semantic Mapping tool for integrating heterogeneous relational databases into Semantic Web (187 KB)
Developing SWS for e-Government (124 KB)
DIG 2.0 - An Interface for Description Logic Systems (76 KB)
Efficient Service Matchmaking using Tree-Structured Clustering (68 KB)
Enhancing Software Maintenance by using Semantic Web Techniques (64 KB)
enVision - An integrated approach towards Semantic Authoring (81 KB)
Flexible Provisioning of Semantic Web Service Workflows using a QoS Ontology (341 KB)
Harvesting Ontology Hierarchy Information using CropCirles (152 KB)
Heterogeneous Semantic Web Repositories (64 KB)
Implementing and Optimizing OWL Defaults (19 KB)
Interactive User Profiling in Semantically Annotated Museum Collections (74 KB)
KawaWiki - A Template-Based Semantic Wiki Where End and Expert Users Collaborate (51 KB)
Ontology-Enabled Virtual Observatories - Semantic Integration in Practice (17 KB)
OWL Metadata Framework for a Baseball Q&A System (68 KB)
PID-30 (52 KB)
Querix - A Natural Language Interface to Query Ontologies Based on Clarification Dialogs (282 KB)
R2D2 - combining spatial and semantic queries into spatial databases (23 KB)
Reviews and Ratings on the Semantic Web (17 KB)
S-Cube II - Integration of OSGi-Based Service and Semantic Web-Based Middleware System for Context Aware Services (142 KB)
SALT - Enriching LTEXwith Semantic Annotations (253 KB)
Semantic Blogging with semiBlog (72 KB)
Semantic Desktop 2.0 - Demo of the Gnowsis Experience (237 KB)
Semantic Squirrels (84 KB)
Semantic Web Based Tagging with Annotea (9 KB)
Semantic Web Communities with DBin (160 KB)
Semantic Web Services Wiki (14 KB)
Semi-Automatic Data-Driven Ontology Construction System (75 KB)
SmartWeb - Mobile Access to the Semantic Web 1 (13 KB)
SOBA - SmartWeb Ontology-based Annotation (479 KB)
SPAR2 QL - From SPARQL to Rules (89 KB)
Superconcept Formation System-An Ontology Matching Algorithm for Web Applications (60 KB)
SVM - Semantic Versioning Manager (71 KB)
Syndication on the Web using Incremental Description Logic Reasoning (63 KB)
System for Retrieving a Web Browsing Experience Using Semantic History Data (41 KB)
Towards Real Time Ontology Editing (41 KB)
Using Semantic Web Services in the Internet of Things (1,562 KB)
VizThis - Information Visualization with Semantically Assisted Mapping of Data Entities to Representation Artefacts (135 KB)
Web based operation and maintenance of physical networks (17 KB)

Doctoral Consortium

Changing Ontology Breaks the Queries (432 KB)
Distributed Policy Management in Semantic Web (83 KB)
Dynamic Contextual Regulations in Open Multi-Agent Systems (13 KB)
Evaluation of SPARQL queries using relational databases (62 KB)
From Typed-Functional Semantic Web Services to Proofs (64 KB)
Package-based Description Logics - Preliminary Results (141 KB)
Schema Mappings for the Web (26 KB)
Talking to the Semantic Web - Query Interfaces to Ontologies for the Casual User (90 KB)
Toward Making Online Biological Data Machine Understandable (62 KB)
Towards a Global Scale Semantic Web (56 KB)
Towards a Usable Group Editor for Ontologies (28 KB)
Triple Space Computing for Semantic Web Services (10 KB)

Semantic Web Challenge 2008

COHSE - Knowledge-Driven Hyperlinks (888 KB)
Collimator - Collaborative Image Annotator & Visual Concept Map Generator (220 KB)
Dartgrid (3,480 KB)
EKOSS (742 KB)
Falcon-S - An Ontology-Based Approach to Searching Objects and Images in the Soccer Domain (203 KB)
PaperPuppy - Sniffing the Trail of Semantic Web Publications (773 KB)
PressIndex - a Semantic Web Press Clipping Application (133 KB)
Semantics-based Automatic Metadata Tracking and Service Insertion in Geospatial Web Service Composition (101 KB)
Swaat (6,996 KB)

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