-- 作者:hongjunli
-- 发布时间:5/23/2007 4:51:00 PM
-- JavaOne Conference 前10位畅销书
JavaOne Conference Bookstore - Best Sellers http://java.sun.com/javaone/sf/2007/articles/bookstorebestsellers.jsp Here are the Top Ten Best Sellers for the bookstore for the week at this time Rank Title Publisher 1 Java Concurrency in Practice ISBN: 0321349601 Addison Wesley 2 Core JavaServer Faces 2nd Edition* ISBN: 0131738860 Prentice Hall 3 Java Puzzlers ISBN: 032133678X Addison Wesley 4 Effective Java Programming Language Guide ISBN: 0201310058 Addison Wesley 5 Rich Client Programming* ISBN: 0132354802 Prentice Hall 6 JBOSS Seam ISBN: 0131347969 Prentice Hall 7 SOA Using Java Web Services ISBN: 0130449687 Prentice Hall 8 Groovy in Action ISBN: 1932394842 Manning 9 RESTFul Web Services ISBN: 0596529260 O'Reilly 10 GWT in Action ISBN: 1933988231 Manning 我只读过其中:Effective Java Programming Language Guide,Java Puzzlers。 目前正在看:GWT in Action 不知道大家都看过其中哪及本了?