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----  2020年第二届欧洲计算机与通信研讨会(ESCC 2020)[原创]  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=64&rootid=&id=129849)

--  作者:chenxue11
--  发布时间:12/23/2019 4:58:00 PM

--  2020年第二届欧洲计算机与通信研讨会(ESCC 2020)[原创]

2020年第二届欧洲计算机与通信研讨会(ESCC 2020)--EI核心及Scopus检索
2020年7月26日-28日 英国伦敦


Holiday Inn London – Kensington(暂定)
地址:Wrights Ln, Kensington, London W8 5SP, United Kingdom

ESCC 2020所有接受的文章将被收录到会议论文集,并被Scopus, Ei Compendex等检索。

请将您的论文投至投稿系统: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/escc2020

5th Generation Networks
Access Networks
Advances in Internet Protocols
Artificial Intelligent Systems
Big Data, Data Mining and Database Applications
Bioinformatics and Medical informatics
Bio-inspired Computing in Communications
Cloud Computing (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS)
Cognitive Radio Networking
Communications Services and Management
Computers and Communications
Connected Vehicles
Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things
Digital Media Technologies
Digital Satellite Communications Service
Distributed and Mobile Middleware
Distributed Systems Architecture and Management
E-Commerce and E-Services
Economic and Regulatory Issues
Fault-Tolerance and Error Recovery
Fog Computing
Green Networking and Smart Grid
Grid and Cluster Computing
Human Language Technologies
Image Processing and Visualization
Internet of the Future
Internet of Things and Smart Cities
Internet Services and Applications
Management of Telecommunications and Networks
Mobile Cloud and Mobile Cloud Networking
Modeling and Simulation
Molecular, Biological, and Multi-scale Communications
Network Design, Optimization and Management
Network Reliability, Quality of Service and Quality of Experience
Next Generation Networks Infrastructures and Management
Optical Networking
Overlay and Programmable Networks
Peer-to-Peer Computing
Real Time Communication Services
Routing and Multicast
Security, Cryptography, and Privacy
Sensor Networks and Mobile Sensing
Services and Support for Smart Cities
Signal Processing for Communications
Social Networks, Crowdsourcing, and Crowdsensing
Software Defined Datacenters
Software Defined Networks and Network Function
Software Defined Smart Objects
Software Engineering
Standards Evolution
Web Services and Service Oriented Architectures
Wireless Body Area Network and Wireless Health
Wireless, Cellular, and Mobile Communications

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