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----  第七届IEEE无线通信、网络技术与移动计算国际会议CALL FOR PAPERS!  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=70&rootid=&id=89223)

--  作者:lcx0
--  发布时间:1/26/2011 11:17:00 AM

--  第七届IEEE无线通信、网络技术与移动计算国际会议CALL FOR PAPERS!

The 7th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing
                           (WiCOM 2011)Ei & ISTP indexed
                     Wuhan, China      September 23-25, 2011

The 7th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM 2011) will be held from 23rd to 25th, September in Wuhan, China. The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE, all papers accepted will be indexed by Ei Compendex and ISTP.

WiCOM2005,WiCOM2006,WiCOM2007,WiCOM2008,WiCOM2009,WiCOM2010  have all been indexed by EI Compendex.



Submission system is open投稿系统已经全面开放,请大家抓紧时间投稿!



IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society,Engineering Informaition Institute,Wuhan University,Communication University of China,Jiangsu University

Organizing Committee:
General Chair
Prof. Guangxi Zhu
Huazhong University of Science and Technology,  China

TPC Chair
Prof. Shaodong Zhang
Wuhan University,  China

Wireless Communications
Space-Time, MIMO and Adaptive Antennas
OFDM, CDMA and Spread Spectrum
Modulation, Coding and Diversity
Signal Processing for Wireless Communications
B3G/4G Systems, WiMAX, WLAN and WPAN
Channel Model and Characterization
Multi-Hop and Cooperative Communications
Interference Cancellation and MUD
Radio Resource Management and Allocation
Cognitive Radio and Software Defined Radio  
Satellite & Space Communications
Multimedia Communications
Multiple Access Techniques
Optical Communications

Network Technologies
Wireless & Mobile Networking
Wireless Sensor Networks
Cognitive Radio Networks
Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networking
Next-Generation Networking and Internet  
Wireless Network Security and Privacy
Networking and Information Security
Network Protocol and Congestion Control
QoS, Reliability & Performance Modeling
Mobility, Location and Handoff Management
Capacity, Throughput, Outage and Coverage
Multimedia in Wireless Networks
Optical Networks and Systems

Services and Application
Emerging Wireless/Mobile Applications
Context and Location-Aware Wireless Services
Wireless Telemedicine and E-Health Services
Intelligent Transportation Systems
RFID Technology and Application
Cognitive Radio and Sensor-Based Applications
Content Distribution in Wireless Home Environment
Wireless Emergency and Security Systems
Service Oriented Architectures, Service Portability
SIP Based Services, Multimedia and Middleware
Innovative User Interfaces for Multimedia Services
Regulations, Standards and Spectrum Management
Communications Software and Services
Mobile Computing Systems  

Selected outstanding papers from WiCOM2011 will be considered for publishing in relevant journals cited by SCI or Ei Indexed.

For more information about this conference, please contact:
Group NO.101775857,127959634

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